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Data Protection Day 2019: academics from SANT’ANNA school DIRPOLIS institute for law, politics and development participate in a conference organised by CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI, ON tuesday, 29 january

Publication date: 18.01.2019
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Antonello Soro, president of the Italian Data Protection Authority, invited scholars and experts engaged in the privacy ecosystem to address societal concerns between Artificial Intelligence and data protection laws at the conference “I confini del digitale – Nuovi scenari per la protezione dei dati” - Palazzo dei gruppi parlamentari della Camera dei Deputati - via di Campo Marzio, on January 29 at 9.30 am.

Erica Palmerini, professor of private law at Sant’Anna School Dirpolis Institute, is a keynote speaker at the conference giving her talk on “Dalle smart cities allo scoring del cittadino” together with Francesco Radicioni, journalist of Radio Radicale and Giovanna Blanchi Clerici, member of the Data Protection Authority.

Stefano Mele, lawyer, and Roberto Baldoni, vice-director of the Dipartimento delle informazioni per la sicurezza, will focus on “Minacce cibernetiche e sicurezza nazionale”, moderated by Augusta Iannini, vice-president of the Data Protection Authority. Giuliano Amato, judge of the Constitutional Court of Italy, and Maurizio Molinari, director of “La Stampa”, together with Licia Califano, member of the Data Protection Authority, acting as the moderator, will discuss current issues in the “La sovranità nell’era digitale

Giancarlo Giorgetti, the Cabinet Secretary, will deliver the closing remarks.

Photo Archive: Erica Palmerini.